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Weekly Classes from Tushita Kadampa Buddhist Center

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Monday Night Series

Letting Go Of Anxiety with Kadam Rebecca Gauthier Mondays 6:00pm - 8:30pm


During this NEW weekly series you will discover how meditation can eliminate anxiety and help you be more relaxed, peaceful and positive.

You will learn powerful and practical stress-busting techniques derived from ancient Buddhist wisdom which will empower you to face life’s adversities with a happy heart, deal with ‘difficult people’ without getting angry, and transform hardships into opportunities for spiritual growth. 



Class Cost: $18 (Free for Members)

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Sunday Morning Meditation

Teachings from Eight Steps to Happiness: The Buddhist Way of Loving Kindness

with Kadam Rebecca Gauthier Sundays at 11am - Noon

Cost: $12 (Free for Members)

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Healing Relationships

BRANCH CLASS at Longevity Coffee Shop with Len Foley

Thursdays 6:30pm - 7:30pm


Location: Longevity Coffee 
2849 E Thousand Oaks Blvd Thousand Oaks, CA 91362


TIME: Thursday - 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Each Class is $12 (which directly supports our 501c3 Non Profit Tushita Kadampa Buddhist Center)

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Lunchtime Meditation

With Rebecca Gauthier Fridays 

12:45pm - 1:30pm

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